China's stock market has nearly doubled over the past six months on hopes of monetary easing, with the world-beating performance luring retail investors who have been opening accounts at a record pace. 过去半年,因为对货币宽松政策的乐观,中国证券市场几乎翻倍,在吸引中小投资者的速度方面全球领先,而这些投资者开户的速度也创了纪录。
Examples include the dollar and the Bretton Woods system, the mark and European Monetary System and the yen and the free yen accounts. 实例包括:美元与布雷顿森林(BrettonWoods)体系、德国马克与欧洲货币体系(EuropeanMonetarySystem)以及日元与日元自由账户。
In most sophisticated monetary systems, checking accounts are important as a means of exchange. 在比较复杂的货币制度中,验票存款,也是一种重要的交换手段。
Zhou's proposal to move to a new reserve currency along the lines of the S.D.R.'s, or special drawing rights, in which the International Monetary Fund leeps its accounts. 于是,周小川提议,以由国际货币基金组织记账的特别提款权(简称SDR)为基础,转入一种全新的储备货币。
Thus shifting the burden of monetary tightening onto banks, via increased reserve requirements, caps growth in a sector that accounts for half of A shares 'profits. 通过上调法定准备金率,将货币紧缩政策的负担转嫁到银行头上,限制了利润占A股半壁江山的一个行业的增长。